Yakub Chemist is regarded as one of the leading pharmacy healthcare providers in the midlands and is known for its outstanding customer service. Yakub Chemist is growing into a more efficient and client-focused company and services and supplies numerous residential and nursing homes throughout Leicestershire. We ensure that we prioritise our customer’s every requirement by carefully tailoring our service to the specific needs of each individual home. We have developed excellent relationships with our care homes and liaise with them regularly to ensure that we are able to manage patient records accurately and efficiently.
We provide prescription collection service from surgeries and care homes.
Customer service support available 365 days of the year.
Meet the care home’s requirements of original packaged (OP) medication with colour coded MARs and e-MARs.
Suitable and safe method avoid to medication wastage.
There are many forms to help you to apply for the appropriate exemption where applicable, e.g. HC1 and medical exemption forms.
Alternatively, a NHS PPC may be more suitable. A PPC lets you get as many NHS prescriptions as you need for a set price. You can buy a PPC online directly from NHS [https://services.nhsbsa.nhs.uk/buy-prescription-prepayment-certificate/start].
Check your exemption: https://services.nhsbsa.nhs.uk/check-my-nhs-exemption/start
1 High View Close, Leicester, LE4 9LJ
Arrange off-site visits to your care home for NHS Flu vaccines.
Yakub Chemist can dispense NHS and private prescriptions.
If you would like to become a patient at Yakub Chemist:
1. Nominate Yakub Chemist either at your GP or our pharmacy.
2. Register for prescription collection and/or delivery.
Please call 0116 298 8739 for help
If you or someone you care for uses the same medicines regularly, you may be able to benefit from using the NHS Electronic Repeat Dispensing (eRD) service.
Ask us or your GP about the NHS eRD service.
This is an NHS service.
The service has been established to ensure better communication of changes to a patient’s medication when they leave hospital and to reduce incidences of avoidable harm caused by medicines. We will contact you when we receive a referral.
This is an NHS service.
We will receive a referral from NHS 111, Integrated Urgent Care Clinical Assessment Services, the 999 service, or your GP. This service can cover minor ailments or urgent medication supply.
Medication training specialised for care home settings*
Audits by a pharmacist*
New Home audit: identify potential medicine issues and discrepancies.
1 High View Close, Leicester, LE4 9LJ
Yakub Chemist can provide training on various aspects of medication handling, storage and administration. This can be useful in refreshing care staff with the latest systems and guidelines. The training is accredited by the NPA (National Pharmacy Association).
1 High View Close, Leicester, LE4 9LJ